



Where are the HTML emoji stored?

问题 {#heading}

朴素地,我将我的图标(.png)移动到标准的HTML表情符号,以使页面更轻。这些网页由一台小型微控制器 - ESP32 提供服务。

在大多数设备上,它运行良好。但在其他设备上,一些表情符号无法渲染(显示为空白方块)。我在一些列出所有表情符号的网站上进行了检查,比如 这个,它确认了一些表情符号不可用。

在特定情况下,甚至最常见的表情符号(疾驰式 U+1F600)也无法渲染。
我检查了客户的浏览器,它是 Chrome v101(4月22日)。我还检查了有关加载字体权限的设置。顺便说一下,Android 上的 Chrome v95 能够正确渲染它们。

它们是内置在浏览器中的吗? 英文:

Naively, I moved my icons to (.png) to standard HTML emoji in order to make the pages lighter. The web pages are served by a small microcontroller - ESP32.

On most devices it works fine. But on others it happens some emoji are not rendered (blank square). I checked on some websites that list all the emojis, like this, and it confirms that some of them are not available.

In the specific case, also the most common one (grinning fade U+1F600) is not rendered.
I checked the customer's browser and it is Chrome v101 (april 22). I also checked the settings about the permissions to load fonts. By the way a Chrome v95 on Android render them correctly.

So the questions is: where are the emoji stored?
Are they built-in in the browser?

答案1 {#1}

得分: 1


如果您希望在不同设备和浏览器上确保一致的表情符号呈现,您可以考虑使用包含全面表情符号支持的外部字体。这可以帮助减轻您在缺失或错误呈现表情符号方面遇到的问题。 英文:

Emojis are not typically "built-in" to browsers themselves, but rather rely on the fonts available in the operating system or provided by external resources. Different browsers and operating systems might have different levels of support for emojis, leading to variations in rendering.

If you're looking to ensure consistent emoji rendering across devices and browsers, you might consider using an external font that includes comprehensive emoji support. This can help mitigate the issues you're experiencing with missing or incorrectly rendered emojis.

未经允许不得转载:工具盒子 » HTML表情符号存储在哪里?