How do you access Markmail
问题 {#heading}
这可能与 Stack Overflow 的主题无关,但 Markmail 在一周多的时间里一直显示 "refused to connect",isitdown 显示有普遍故障,而 Marklogic 技术支持未回应已注册客户的查询。是否有更适合了解服务器情况的论坛的任何提示? 英文:
This is probably off-topic for SO, but Markmail has yielded nothing but "refused to connect" for more than a week, isitdown shows a general outage, and Marklogic tech support has not responded to queries from registered customers.
Any hints for a more appropriate forum for finding out what's going on with the server?
答案1 {#1}
得分: 2
https://markmail.org 已永久关闭,将不再提供服务。 英文:
https://markmail.org has been permanently shut down and will no longer be available.