

WebStorm/PhpStorm 在使用 CSS 的 lvh 单位时会出现 “Mismatched property value” 错误。


WebStorm/PhpStorm gives "Mismatched property value" error when using CSS lvh unit

问题 {#heading}

使用"new" CSS 单位会导致"不匹配的属性值"错误 {#new-css-}




WebStorm/PhpStorm 在使用 CSS 的 lvh 单位时会出现 “Mismatched property value” 错误。 英文:

Using "new" CSS units causes a "Mismatched property value" error {#using-quotnewquot-css-units-causes-a-quotmismatched-property-valuequot-error}

I just started using these more modern CSS units, lvh, svh etc. But for some reason PhpStorm gives me this error. Since its a valid unit I expected it to work out of the box. Also this doesn't look like a linting error, normally there's some option to suppress if its a lint error.

Its the 2nd project that I have this issue with. Does anyone know if there's a setting or something that i can change so that these modern units are accepted by the IDE.

Thanks, see image with my error.

WebStorm/PhpStorm 在使用 CSS 的 lvh 单位时会出现 “Mismatched property value” 错误。

答案1 {#1}

得分: 1

根据WEB-55824的记录,lvh 和其他单位在 2022.3 版本(在 2022 年 12 月发布的 2 个主要版本之前)开始受支持。

在我的 PhpStorm 2023.1.4 中,我刚刚在一个纯粹的 .css 文件中检查了您的代码示例,height: 100lvh; 对我来说显示正常(在 @supports 内和作为实际属性值)。

请升级您的 IDE。 最新版本是 2023.2。 英文:

You must be using an year old or even older version... because accordingly to the WEB-55824 ticket these lvh and other unites are supported since 2022.3 version (2 major versions ago, released on Dec 2022).

I've just checked your code sample in my PhpStorm 2023.1.4 in a plain .css file and height: 100lvh; is displayed just fine for me (inside the @supports and as the actual property value).

Please upgrade your IDE. The latest version is 2023.2.

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