Vuetify 3 change color in selection
问题 {#heading}
"hello everyone i am new to the front end , and i ve been learning vuejs for a long time and started to learn vuetify3 these days
i am facing a problem where in my code below , i am creatnig a navigation drawer , and my intention is to highlight the icon in red or any other color when its selected and keep the rest icons white"
<v-navigation-drawer app color="#000000" mini-variant rail-width="110" class="d-flex justify-center mt-8">
<v-avatar class="d-block text-center mx-auto mt-16 mb-16" size="100">
<v-btn class="ma-2" fab color="white" rounded icon="mdi-basket" variant="outlined"></v-btn>
<v-card flat color="#151515">
<v-list dense nav class="d-block mx-auto my-2" active-class="selected">
<v-list-item v-for="(item, index) in items" :key="index" class="my-8" v-slot="{ active }"
:ripple="false" @click="selectedItem = index" :value="index">
<v-icon :color="active ? 'red' : 'white'" :icon="item.icon" class="pa-auto" size="50"></v-icon>
我不明白问题出在哪里。 英文:
hello everyone i am new to the front end , and i ve been learning vuejs for a long time and started to learn vuetify3 these days
i am facing a problem where in my code below , i am creatnig a navigation drawer , and my intention is to highlight the icon in red or any other color when its selected and keep the rest icons white
<v-navigation-drawer app color="#000000" mini-variant rail-width="110" class="d-flex justify-center mt-8">
<v-avatar class="d-block text-center mx-auto mt-16 mb-16" size="100">
<v-btn class="ma-2" fab color="white" rounded icon="mdi-basket" variant="outlined"></v-btn>
&lt;v-card flat color=&quot;#151515&quot;&gt;
&lt;v-list dense nav class=&quot;d-block mx-auto my-2&quot; active-class=&quot;selected&quot;&gt;
&lt;v-list-item v-for=&quot;(item, index) in items&quot; :key=&quot;index&quot; class=&quot;my-8&quot; v-slot=&quot;{ active }&quot;
:ripple=&quot;false&quot; @click=&quot;selectedItem = index&quot; :value=&quot;index&quot;&gt;
&lt;v-icon :color=&quot;active ? &#39;red&#39; : &#39;white&#39;&quot; :icon=&quot;item.icon&quot; class=&quot;pa-auto&quot; size=&quot;50&quot;&gt;&lt;/v-icon&gt;
export default {
data: () =\> ({
selectedItem: 0,
items: \[
{ icon: \"mdi-home-outline\" },
{ icon: \"mdi-cart-outline\" },
{ icon: \"mdi-store-outline\" },
{ icon: \"mdi-calendar-check-outline\" },
{ icon: \"mdi-apps\" },
\<style scoped\>
.selected {
background-color: #6f0dff;
i dont see where the problem
答案1 {#1}
得分: 0
v-slot="{ isActive: active }"
playground示例 英文:
The slot prop passed to VListItem's #default
slot is named isActive
, not just active
, so you have to use isActive
or rename it:
v-slot="{ isActive: active }"