





  1. 数值转换为字符串 {#1-数值转换为字符串} =========================


|------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | // 头文件 <string> string to_string (int val); string to_string (long val); string to_string (long long val); string to_string (unsigned val); string to_string (unsigned long val); string to_string (unsigned long long val); string to_string (float val); string to_string (double val); string to_string (long double val); |


|------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { string pi = "pi is " + to_string(3.1415926); string love = "love is " + to_string(5.20 + 13.14); cout << pi << endl; cout << love << endl; return 0; } |

  1. 字符串转换为数值 {#2-字符串转换为数值} =========================


|---------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | // 定义于头文件 <string> int stoi( const std::string& str, std::size_t* pos = 0, int base = 10 ); long stol( const std::string& str, std::size_t* pos = 0, int base = 10 ); long long stoll( const std::string& str, std::size_t* pos = 0, int base = 10 ); unsigned long stoul( const std::string& str, std::size_t* pos = 0, int base = 10 ); unsigned long long stoull( const std::string& str, std::size_t* pos = 0, int base = 10 ); float stof( const std::string& str, std::size_t* pos = 0 ); double stod( const std::string& str, std::size_t* pos = 0 ); long double stold( const std::string& str, std::size_t* pos = 0 ); |

  • str:要转换的字符串
  • pos:传出参数, 记录从哪个字符开始无法继续进行解析, 比如: 123abc, 传出的位置为3
  • base:若 base 为 0 ,则自动检测数值进制:若前缀为 0 ,则为八进制,若前缀为 0x0X,则为十六进制,否则为十进制。


|---------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 | #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { string str1 = "45"; string str2 = "3.14159"; string str3 = "9527 with words"; string str4 = "words and 2"; int myint1 = std::stoi(str1); float myint2 = std::stof(str2); int myint3 = std::stoi(str3); // 错误: 'std::invalid_argument' // int myint4 = std::stoi(str4); cout << "std::stoi(\"" << str1 << "\") is " << myint1 << endl; cout << "std::stof(\"" << str2 << "\") is " << myint2 << endl; cout << "std::stoi(\"" << str3 << "\") is " << myint3 << endl; // cout << "std::stoi(\"" << str4 << "\") is " << myint4 << endl; } |


|---------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 1 2 3 | std::stoi("45") is 45 std::stof("3.14159") is 3.14159 std::stoi("9527 with words") is 9527 |


  • 如果字符串中所有字符都是数值类型,整个字符串会被转换为对应的数值,并通过返回值返回
  • 如果字符串的前半部分字符是数值类型,后半部不是,那么前半部分会被转换为对应的数值,并通过返回值返回
  • 如果字符第一个字符不是数值类型转换失败
未经允许不得转载:工具盒子 » 数值类型和字符串之间的转换