



3D miniature scenes 3D微缩场景

blurred HD 8k foreground 8K模糊高清前景效果

cinematic lighting 电影级灯光



Camping in the forest, a 3D miniature scene of a tent surrounded by pink and white flowers and green trees, with children playing. The miniature landscape features a green grassland background, with axis shifting photography effects and ultra clear details. The dreamy fantasy realism style scenes are rendered using wide-angle lenses and depth of field, creating an octagonal paper art illustration style with blurred foreground

在森林中露营,这是一个帐篷的 3D 微缩景观,帐篷周围环绕着粉色和白色的花朵以及绿色的树木,孩子们正在玩耍。微缩景观以绿色草原为背景,具有移轴摄影效果和超清晰的细节。梦幻般的奇幻现实主义风格场景采用广角镜头和景深渲染,营造出前景模糊的八角形纸艺插画风格。


3d miniature landscape, huge cut kiwi fruit, kiwi mountain, someone fishing on cut kiwi fruit, with axial shift photography effect and super clear detail. Dream-realist-style scenes use wide-angle lenses and depth-of-field rendering to create a blurry, HD 8k foreground

3d 微缩景观、巨大的切开猕猴桃、猕猴桃山、有人在切开的猕猴桃上钓鱼,具有轴移摄影效果和超级清晰的细节。梦幻写实风格的场景采用广角镜头和景深渲染,营造出模糊的高清 8k 前景效果


Miniature landscape, giant watermelon, farmers culling watermelon seeds on watermelon, sun close-up, soft focus, Cinema4D style presentation, delicate and soft tones, bright sculpture, 3D rendering, original rendering.

微缩景观、巨型西瓜、农民在西瓜上剔除西瓜籽、太阳特写、柔焦、Cinema4D 风格呈现、细腻柔和的色调、明亮的雕塑、三维渲染、原始渲染。


Shop made of coffee cup, sun umbrella, mailbox, bicycle, green space, flowers, commercial photography, C4D, OC, 8K ultra clear

由咖啡杯、太阳伞、邮箱、自行车、绿地、花卉、商业摄影、C4D、OC、8K 超清晰制成的商店


miniature landscape, lovely wool felted world, wool felted campsite in spring, family, dog, cherry blossom, car, barbecue, spring landscape, wool felted, cinematic lighting, oc rendering, ultra detailed, 3d, 4k.

微缩景观、可爱的羊毛毡世界、春天的羊毛毡营地、家庭、狗、樱花、汽车、烧烤、春天的景观、羊毛毡、电影照明、OC 渲染、超详细、3D、4K。


Miniature landscape, huge chunks of beef, flowing sauces like rivers, on a giant white plate, clouds, broccoli like trees, oc rendered, HD 8k

微缩景观、大块牛肉、像河流一样流动的酱汁、巨大的白色盘子、云朵、像树一样的西兰花、OC 渲染、高清 8k


Miniature landscape, baguette made of mountains, high as clouds, someone playing on the sliced baguette, c4d, oc rendering, HD 8k

微缩景观,由山制成的法棍,高耸入云,有人在切片法棍上玩耍,c4d,oc 渲染,高清 8k


Miniature landscape, town of bread, house made of bread, tree made of broccoli, car made of croissants, many people walking on the road, blue sky, c4d, oc rendering, HD 8k

微缩景观,面包小镇,面包做的房子,西兰花做的树,羊角面包做的车,路上走着的许多人,蓝天,c4d,oc 渲染,高清 8k


Miniature landscape, coffee assembly line factory, in the middle is a huge bottle, divided into two layers, the upper layer is extracting coffee, the lower layer is transporting conveyor belt, yellow, blue and gold color matching, realistic details, c4d, oc rendering, HD 8k

微缩景观,咖啡流水线工厂,中间是一个巨大的瓶子,分为上下两层,上层是萃取咖啡,下层是输送带,黄蓝金配色,细节逼真,c4d、oc 渲染,高清 8k


Miniature landscape, ice cream cone made of snow mountain, someone climbing snow mountain, chocolate made of road, c4d, oc rendering, virtual engine, HD 8k

微缩景观, 雪山上的冰淇淋筒, 有人在爬雪山, 道路上的巧克力, c4d, oc rendering, virtual engine, HD 8k

未经允许不得转载:工具盒子 » 用Midjourney制作梦幻般的3D微缩景观(含提示词)