

1000 种 AI 绘图提示词:时间冻结

今天的优秀 AI 作品是来自 LudovicCreator 的分享。

Witness the frozen moments of [SUBJECT] in Crystalized Time Realms, where the timeless [COLOR] intersects with the crystalline [COLOR], encapsulating [related to subject]

在结晶时间领域中见证 [主题] 的冻结时刻,永恒的 [COLOR] 与结晶的 [COLOR] 相交,封装 [与主题相关]

Witness the frozen moments of an Ancient Battlefield Echoes in Crystalized Time Realms, where the timeless Rust Red intersects with the crystalline Sword Silver, encapsulating moments of historical valor --ar 3:2 --style raw

在 Crystalized Time Realms 中见证古战场回声的凝固时刻,永恒的 "锈红 "与晶莹的 "剑银 "交相辉映,浓缩了历史上的英勇时刻

Witness the frozen moments of Petrified Rainforest Canopies in Crystalized Time Realms, where the timeless Emerald Green intersects with the crystalline Quartz Clear, encapsulating natural history --ar 3:2 --style raw


Witness the frozen moments of Medieval Castle Sieges in Crystalized Time Realms, where the timeless Stone Grey intersects with the crystalline Flame Red, encapsulating historic battle --ar 3:2 --style raw


Witness the frozen moments of Lost Oceanic Cities in Crystalized Time Realms, where the timeless Deep Sea Blue intersects with the crystalline Coral Pink, encapsulating submerged civilizations --ar 3:2 --style raw


最近一直有朋友问我都是用什么画的,我一直都是用 Midjourney 进行绘图的,虽然他需要付费才能使用,但是目前来看,Midjourney 的画面效果从整体看上一直属于业内顶流。

未经允许不得转载:工具盒子 » 1000 种 AI 绘图提示词:时间冻结