Unable to catch email body with Cypress-Mailosaur
问题 {#heading}
我只是添加了一个断言来检查我是否获取了电子邮件的正文,但错误显示为空白。 英文:
This the email. It is in HTML and I am trying to retrieve the code
I just put an assertion just to check if I am getting the body of the email but the error says it's ''
答案1 {#1}
得分: 1
您应该能够通过email.html.codes[0]来检索您的认证代码。 英文:
Emails typically have two parts, an html part and a text part. This is so that when you are reading an email on a device that doesn't support html (rare these days) the text version can be shown.
To answer your question: you need to change your code to use email.html.body rather than email.text.body as you don't have a text version of your email.
You should be able to retrieve your authentication code via email.html.codes[0] as well.