

Download a .csv file using requests.get() in Python


Download a .csv file using requests.get() in Python

问题 {#heading}



我正在尝试使用requests.get(link, params=)。 英文:

I want to download a .CSV file from this page https://data.anbima.com.br/certificado-de-recebiveis?view=precos, using requests. Get(). When I use the Inspect, there is no link directly to the file.

The page probably uses an API call to Download. I've studied the request using the Network panel on Chrome, but I got stuck in how to pass the right parameters in Python.

I'm trying to use the requests.get( link, params= )

答案1 {#1}

得分: 1

尝试使用Pandas库,它现在可以自动从URL下载CSV文件 Pandas Read CSV Documentation

import pandas as pd
csv_url = 'csv_url'
df = pd.read_csv(csv_url)



from lxml import html
from lxml import etree
import requests

url = 'website'


session_requests = requests.session() result = session_requests.get(url) tree = html.fromstring(result.text)

xpath到CSV URL(右键点击查看元素以获取xpath)

url_list = tree.xpath('xpath') # 要获取链接,请在xpath的末尾添加 /@href


csv_url = url_list[0]


Try using the Pandas library, it automatically downloads csv's from urls now Pandas Read CSV Documentation.

import pandas as pd
csv_url = 'csv_url'

Alternatively you can us lxml and requests libraries to scrape for the csv link. Grab the xpath of the link element from your webpage and save the link url string as a var.

Note lxml returns as a list.

from lxml import html
from lxml import etree
import requests

url = 'website' #Open webpage session_requests = requests.session() result = session_requests.get(url) tree = html.fromstring(result.text)

#xpath to csv URL (inspect element and right click to get xpath)

url_list = tree.xpath('xpath') #to get the link add /@href to the end of your xpath

#xpath returns link as a list, this just pulls link text out of the list csv_url = url_list[0]

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