Context doesn`t send to the render_to_string Python/Django
问题 {#heading}
抱歉,我无法执行您的请求。如果您需要任何翻译或其他帮助,请随时提问。 英文:
hi guys I have a Django view that I want to filter my products with ajax(Js) and I think u know that I need to show the products to template too! Im using render to string Function which gets a template name and a context(dictionary) and return the string of the template , now my problem is my , idk why but my context is not sending to the template , if u have ever used Pycharm u know that for example when u map a template , if every thing is ok it will shows the template icon in the left near the line number! and every things is ok for me but still context doesn
t send , i should say that I have a for loop in my template and I think u Know that too , when u click on your for loop context it will move you to the context in view but for me it shows "Cannot find the Declaration" ill write my codes , and ill be thankful if u guys help me
( and I have tried context: {"asd": asd} , {"asd": asd} every methods for a
{% for product in products %}
{% empty %}
if products doesnt exist...
{% endfor %}
def filter_products(request):
if request.method == \"GET\":
categories = request.GET.getlist(\"category\")
products = Product.objects.all().order_by(\"-created_at\").distinct()
if len(categories) > 0:
products = Product.objects.filter(category__name=categories).order_by("- created_at").distinct()
data = render_to_string("core/async/product-list.html", context={"products": products})
return JsonResponse({"data": data, "bool": True})
return redirect("home_app:main")
答案1 {#1}
得分: 0
我自己解决了这个问题 ,问题是产品没有发送到上下文(正如我之前所说的),为什么它不发送呢?因为在我有一个过滤查询集的products变量中,我给了category__name过滤器的categories,而category__name只接收一个而不是元组列表等等,如果你注意到,我的categories变量是一个request.GET.getlist!它获取了一个列表,为了将列表传递给过滤器,你必须这样做:在category名称后面添加"__in"(在category名称之后添加"__in"),就是这样!
products = Product.objects.filter(category__name__in=categories).order_by("-created_at").distinct() 英文:
Guys i solved the problem myself , and the problem was the products doesnt send to the context (as i said before) and why it doesnt send? because in products variable that i have a filter queryset i gave categories to the category__name filter , and category__name just receive one thing not tuple list and ... , and if u noticed , my categories variable is a request.GET.getlist ! its getting list , and for giving a list to a filter u have to do this :
category__name__in (add an "__in" after the category name) and just this !
products = Product.objects.filter(category__name__in=categories).order_by("-created_at").distinct()