






E1121 23:43:52.644552   23453 policy_static.go:158] "Static policy invalid state, please drain node and remove policy state file" err="current set of available CPUs \"0-7\" doesn't match with CPUs in state \"0-3\""
E1121 23:43:52.644569   23453 cpu_manager.go:230] "Policy start error" err="current set of available CPUs \"0-7\" doesn't match with CPUs in state \"0-3\""
E1121 23:43:52.644587   23453 kubelet.go:1431] "Failed to start ContainerManager" err="start cpu manager error: current set of available CPUs \"0-7\" doesn't match with CPUs in state \"0-3\""



kubelet启动因为有一个个: 表示--cpu-manager-policy表示在使用宿的是什么逻辑策略这是一个绑定文件。

cpu_manager_state 内容大致长得如下:

{ "policyName": "static", "defaultCpuSet": "0-7", "checksum": 14413152 }

k8s node节点cpu配置,cpu配置,静态cpu管理模式模式


然而我们看到了整体现象和故障位置,不借用这个小问题我们一起启动温和下 k8s 的 cpu 管理规范。



当然我还想说很多不同的,关于CPU Manager整个架构,让小伙伴们有一个整体理解,能够更深入理解官方的cpu管理策略到底做什么。 CPU 管理政策

CPU 管理器架构

CPU Manager 为满脚条的容器分配指定的 CPUs 时,会尽数按 CPU Topology 来分配,也就是参考 CPU Affinity,按如下的优先顺序进入 CPUs 选择:(Logic CPUs 就是 Hyperthreads)

  • 如果Container需要的Logic CPUs数量不少于单块CPU Socket中Logci CPUs数量,那么会优先把整块CPU Socket中的Logic CPUs分配给Container。
  • 如果Container 减少余下请求的Logic CPU 数量不少于单块物理CPU Core 提供的Logic CPU 数量,那么会优先把整块物理CPU Core 上的Logic CPU 分配给Container。

Container 托余请求的Logic CPUs 那么从按以下规则排列好的Logic CPUs 列表中选:

  • 同一个插槽上可用的CPU数量
  • 同一颗心上可用的CPU数量


func takeByTopology(topo *topology.CPUTopology, availableCPUs cpuset.CPUSet, numCPUs int) (cpuset.CPUSet, error) {
 acc := newCPUAccumulator(topo, availableCPUs, numCPUs)
 if acc.isSatisfied() {
  return acc.result, nil
 if acc.isFailed() {
  return cpuset.NewCPUSet(), fmt.Errorf("not enough cpus available to satisfy request")

 // Algorithm: topology-aware best-fit
 // 1. Acquire whole sockets, if available and the container requires at
 // least a socket's-worth of CPUs.
 for _, s := range acc.freeSockets() {
  if acc.needs(acc.topo.CPUsPerSocket()) {
   glog.V(4).Infof("[cpumanager] takeByTopology: claiming socket [%d]", s)
   if acc.isSatisfied() {
    return acc.result, nil

 // 2. Acquire whole cores, if available and the container requires at least
 // a core's-worth of CPUs.
 for _, c := range acc.freeCores() {
  if acc.needs(acc.topo.CPUsPerCore()) {
   glog.V(4).Infof("[cpumanager] takeByTopology: claiming core [%d]", c)
   if acc.isSatisfied() {
    return acc.result, nil

 // 3. Acquire single threads, preferring to fill partially-allocated cores
 // on the same sockets as the whole cores we have already taken in this
 // allocation.
 for _, c := range acc.freeCPUs() {
  glog.V(4).Infof("[cpumanager] takeByTopology: claiming CPU [%d]", c)
  if acc.needs(1) {
  if acc.isSatisfied() {
   return acc.result, nil

 return cpuset.NewCPUSet(), fmt.Errorf("failed to allocate cpus")

发现 CPU 拓扑


type MachineInfo struct {
 // The number of cores in this machine.
 NumCores int `json:"num_cores"`


 // Machine Topology
 // Describes cpu/memory layout and hierarchy.
 Topology []Node `json:"topology"`


type Node struct {
 Id int `json:"node_id"`
 // Per-node memory
 Memory uint64  `json:"memory"`
 Cores  []Core  `json:"cores"`
 Caches []Cache `json:"caches"`

cAdvisor 通过GetTopology 完成cpu 拓普信息生成,主要是读取主机上/proc/cpuinfo 中信息来冲洗CPU Topology,通过读取/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu 来获得cpu cache 。


func GetTopology(sysFs sysfs.SysFs, cpuinfo string) ([]info.Node, int, error) {
 nodes := []info.Node{}

 return nodes, numCores, nil

创建 pod 过程

对于前面提到的静态策略情况下Container如何创建呢?kubelet会为其选择约定的cpu affinity来为其选择最佳的CPU Set。

Container的创建时CPU Manager工作流程大致下:

  1. Kuberuntime 调用容器运行时去创建容器。
  2. Kuberuntime 将容器传送给 CPU 管理器处理。
  3. CPU Manager 为 Container 按照静策略进行处理。
  4. CPU Manager 从当前 Shared Pool 中选择"最佳"Set 拓结构的 CPU,对于不满足 Static Policy 的 Contianer,则返回 Shared Pool 中所有 CPU 组合的 Set。
  5. CPU Manager 将指针对容器的 CPUs 分配情况记录到 Checkpoint State 中,并从 Shared Pool 中删除刚分配的 CPUs。
  6. CPU Manager 再从 state 中读取该 Container 的 CPU 分配信息,然后通过 UpdateContainerResources cRI 接口将其更新到 Cpuset Cgroups 中,例如对于非 Static Policy Container。
  7. Kuberuntime 调用容器运行时启动该容器。


func (m *manager) AddContainer(pod *v1.Pod, container *v1.Container, containerID string) {
 defer m.Unlock()
 if cset, exists := m.state.GetCPUSet(string(pod.UID), container.Name); exists {
  m.lastUpdateState.SetCPUSet(string(pod.UID), container.Name, cset)
 m.containerMap.Add(string(pod.UID), container.Name, containerID)


func NewStaticPolicy(topology *topology.CPUTopology, numReservedCPUs int, reservedCPUs cpuset.CPUSet, affinity topologymanager.Store, cpuPolicyOptions map[string]string) (Policy, error) {
 opts, err := NewStaticPolicyOptions(cpuPolicyOptions)
 if err != nil {
  return nil, err

 klog.InfoS("Static policy created with configuration", "options", opts)

 policy := &staticPolicy{
  topology:    topology,
  affinity:    affinity,
  cpusToReuse: make(map[string]cpuset.CPUSet),
  options:     opts,

 allCPUs := topology.CPUDetails.CPUs()
 var reserved cpuset.CPUSet
 if reservedCPUs.Size() > 0 {
  reserved = reservedCPUs
 } else {
  // takeByTopology allocates CPUs associated with low-numbered cores from
  // allCPUs.
  // For example: Given a system with 8 CPUs available and HT enabled,
  // if numReservedCPUs=2, then reserved={0,4}
  reserved, _ = policy.takeByTopology(allCPUs, numReservedCPUs)

 if reserved.Size() != numReservedCPUs {
  err := fmt.Errorf("[cpumanager] unable to reserve the required amount of CPUs (size of %s did not equal %d)", reserved, numReservedCPUs)
  return nil, err

 klog.InfoS("Reserved CPUs not available for exclusive assignment", "reservedSize", reserved.Size(), "reserved", reserved)
 policy.reserved = reserved

 return policy, nil

func (p *staticPolicy) Allocate(s state.State, pod *v1.Pod, container *v1.Container) error {
 if numCPUs := p.guaranteedCPUs(pod, container); numCPUs != 0 {
  klog.InfoS("Static policy: Allocate", "pod", klog.KObj(pod), "containerName", container.Name)
  // container belongs in an exclusively allocated pool

  if p.options.FullPhysicalCPUsOnly && ((numCPUs % p.topology.CPUsPerCore()) != 0) {
   // Since CPU Manager has been enabled requesting strict SMT alignment, it means a guaranteed pod can only be admitted
   // if the CPU requested is a multiple of the number of virtual cpus per physical cores.
   // In case CPU request is not a multiple of the number of virtual cpus per physical cores the Pod will be put
   // in Failed state, with SMTAlignmentError as reason. Since the allocation happens in terms of physical cores
   // and the scheduler is responsible for ensuring that the workload goes to a node that has enough CPUs,
   // the pod would be placed on a node where there are enough physical cores available to be allocated.
   // Just like the behaviour in case of static policy, takeByTopology will try to first allocate CPUs from the same socket
   // and only in case the request cannot be sattisfied on a single socket, CPU allocation is done for a workload to occupy all
   // CPUs on a physical core. Allocation of individual threads would never have to occur.
   return SMTAlignmentError{
    RequestedCPUs: numCPUs,
    CpusPerCore:   p.topology.CPUsPerCore(),
  if cpuset, ok := s.GetCPUSet(string(pod.UID), container.Name); ok {
   p.updateCPUsToReuse(pod, container, cpuset)
   klog.InfoS("Static policy: container already present in state, skipping", "pod", klog.KObj(pod), "containerName", container.Name)
   return nil

  // Call Topology Manager to get the aligned socket affinity across all hint providers.
  hint := p.affinity.GetAffinity(string(pod.UID), container.Name)
  klog.InfoS("Topology Affinity", "pod", klog.KObj(pod), "containerName", container.Name, "affinity", hint)

  // Allocate CPUs according to the NUMA affinity contained in the hint.
  cpuset, err := p.allocateCPUs(s, numCPUs, hint.NUMANodeAffinity, p.cpusToReuse[string(pod.UID)])
  if err != nil {
   klog.ErrorS(err, "Unable to allocate CPUs", "pod", klog.KObj(pod), "containerName", container.Name, "numCPUs", numCPUs)
   return err
  s.SetCPUSet(string(pod.UID), container.Name, cpuset)
  p.updateCPUsToReuse(pod, container, cpuset)

 // container belongs in the shared pool (nothing to do; use default cpuset)
 return nil

func (p *staticPolicy) allocateCPUs(s state.State, numCPUs int, numaAffinity bitmask.BitMask, reusableCPUs cpuset.CPUSet) (cpuset.CPUSet, error) {
 klog.InfoS("AllocateCPUs", "numCPUs", numCPUs, "socket", numaAffinity)

 allocatableCPUs := p.GetAllocatableCPUs(s).Union(reusableCPUs)

 // If there are aligned CPUs in numaAffinity, attempt to take those first.
 result := cpuset.NewCPUSet()
 if numaAffinity != nil {
  alignedCPUs := cpuset.NewCPUSet()
  for _, numaNodeID := range numaAffinity.GetBits() {
   alignedCPUs = alignedCPUs.Union(allocatableCPUs.Intersection(p.topology.CPUDetails.CPUsInNUMANodes(numaNodeID)))

  numAlignedToAlloc := alignedCPUs.Size()
  if numCPUs < numAlignedToAlloc {
   numAlignedToAlloc = numCPUs

  alignedCPUs, err := p.takeByTopology(alignedCPUs, numAlignedToAlloc)
  if err != nil {
   return cpuset.NewCPUSet(), err

  result = result.Union(alignedCPUs)

 // Get any remaining CPUs from what's leftover after attempting to grab aligned ones.
 remainingCPUs, err := p.takeByTopology(allocatableCPUs.Difference(result), numCPUs-result.Size())
 if err != nil {
  return cpuset.NewCPUSet(), err
 result = result.Union(remainingCPUs)

 // Remove allocated CPUs from the shared CPUSet.

 klog.InfoS("AllocateCPUs", "result", result)
 return result, nil

删除 pod 过程

当这些通过 CPU Managers 分配 CPUs 的 Container 要删除时,CPU Manager 工作流大致如下:

  1. Kuberuntime 会调用 CPU Manager 去按静态策略中定义分配处理。
  2. CPU Manager 将容器分配的 Cpu Set 重新归还到 Shared Pool 中。
  3. Kuberuntime 调用容器运行时移去该容器。
  4. CPU Manager 会异步进行协调循环,为使用共享池中的 Cpus 容器更新 CPU 集合。


func (m *manager) RemoveContainer(containerID string) error {
 defer m.Unlock()

 err := m.policyRemoveContainerByID(containerID)
 if err != nil {
  klog.ErrorS(err, "RemoveContainer error")
  return err

 return nil


func (p *staticPolicy) RemoveContainer(s state.State, podUID string, containerName string) error {
 klog.InfoS("Static policy: RemoveContainer", "podUID", podUID, "containerName", containerName)
 if toRelease, ok := s.GetCPUSet(podUID, containerName); ok {
  s.Delete(podUID, containerName)
  // Mutate the shared pool, adding released cpus.
 return nil



  1. 删除原来有 cpu_manager_state 文件
  2. 重启 kubelet
未经允许不得转载:工具盒子 » K8S节点CPU升级,导致kubelet无法启动排障