mac上我选择 war包方式安装jenkins
如果是按照官方说的 用
Jenkins can be installed using the Homebrew package manager. Homebrew formula: jenkins-lts This is a package supported by a third party which may be not as frequently updated as packages supported by the Jenkins project directly.
Sample commands:
Install the latest LTS version: brew install jenkins-lts
Start the Jenkins service: brew services start jenkins-lts
Restart the Jenkins service: brew services restart jenkins-lts
Update the Jenkins version: brew upgrade jenkins-lts
After starting the Jenkins service, browse to http://localhost:8080 and follow the instructions to complete the installation. Also see the external materials for installation guidelines. For example, this blogpost describes the installation process.
因为mac 依赖很多包 比如 brew 这个工具,就需要去 下载很多依赖, 有的用到github 还访问不了。