

使用 Prompts 和 Chains 让 ChatGPT 成为神奇的生产力工具!

ChatGPT 诞生后,因其非常强大的又难以置信的的能力,得到了非常广泛的关注。用户将 ChatGPT 视作一种有趣且知识渊博的聊天工具。但事实上,使用合适的 Prompts 和 Chains,可以将 ChatGPT 作为一个神奇的生产力工具,能够处理各种各样复杂的任务。本仓库将详细介绍如何使用 ChatGPT 完成各种任务。

One more thing: 作者作为谷歌机器学习开发者专家(Google Developer Experts in Machine Leaning),即将拿到 Google Bard 模型的内部试用资格。后续将会把 Google Bard 相关的评测和使用指南也更新到这个仓库。敬请期待~

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我们计划使用 ChatGPT (也将包含 Google Bard)完成各种 NLP 任务和一些非 NLP 任务。

将要讨论的 NLP 任务如下图所示:


这一任务通常使用 Grammarly 等工具来完成,但事实上 ChatGPT 是可以作为一个更加强大的文本润色和改错工具的!

下面,我们将展示如何使用 ChatGPT 润色一段文本:




在实际使用中,你可以要求 ChatGPT 润色或者改写成符合你使用场景的文本风格。比如,我们可以这么问:




这一任务通常使用 Google Translator 和 DeepL 这样的工具来完成,使用 ChatGPT 同样可以做到。

下面我们将展示如何使用 ChatGPT 翻译一段文本:

Knowledge is power! And it exists in the ChatGPT!


NLU 开发

除了上面这些比较通用的文本任务,我们还能对 ChatGPT 进行 finetune,让其阅读我们的数据,理解我们的业务逻辑,从而可以成为一个骨干员工级别的生产力助手。

ChatGPT 输出图像

你知道么?ChatGPT 是能够输出图像的!(想不到吧~

TODO: 今天实在忙不过来了,明天更新~

ChatGPT 陪你游戏

TODO: 今天实在忙不过来了,明天更新~


TODO: 今天实在忙不过来了,明天更新~


讽刺检测这个可就比较难了,需要理解对话的上下文,否则没法判断。ChatGPT 在这方面也是相当的靠谱,能检测就检测,不能检测也不会瞎给结果。比如,我们直接这样问:


那么 ChatGPT 会比较客观的给出回复:




使用 ChatGPT 对托福(TOEFL)独立写作进行打分并给予写作指导(e-rater)

什么??!这也可以?!没错,ChatGPT 它真的可以!真的实现了:既要(免费)又要(水平高)还要(快速)!

究竟该怎么做呢?你可以这样和 ChatGPT 说:

As a student of university that has a long break between university semesters, the university requires all students to do one of the following for one month during the break:

1、Students must take a course on the subject that has no direct connection to their majors of study ( For example, a student majoring in engineering may take course in fine arts or social science.)

2、Students must volunteer to work in the university's city or their hometowns to improve some aspects of life of the city or their own town.( For example, students may help local primary school children with their homework.)

Which one do you think is more beneficial for students in their university? Why? Give detailed examples and reasons. Use your OWN words, do NOT use memorized examples.


In this day and age, it is commonly acknowledged that the four years of college are significant to a person's development. There have been ongoing debates on how students can best take advantage of their time during the long school breaks. People view it differently due to their dissimilar backgrounds and experiences. From my point of view, universities should ask students to volunteer to work in their hometowns or the city where the school is located in that they can make more friends and learn valuable skills.

To begin with, doing voluntary work provides students with an entirely different environment to make connections with people outside of the campus. In other words, while university students spend most of their time at school and in class, they seldom have the chance to go out and make friends with people in the society. By volunteering to work in the city, as a result, students will get to know people who share the same interest with them and have the passion to make their community a better place. For example, last summer I volunteered in my hometown's largest bookstore. During my three weeks working there, I made friends with students of different ages and different backgrounds. Many of them studied in another city, but they all came back to their hometown during summer and wished to make some contribution to the community. I also met people who had already entered the workplace but still actively participating in voluntary work. I was impressed by the passion and vitality I saw on all these people. Some of them even turned out to be one of my best friends.

Furthermore, being a volunteer helps students learn valuable skills that are not taught in the classroom. To be more specific, doing voluntary work requires one to be socially responsible, patient to others, and willing to make contact with strangers. Thus, during the time when students are volunteering, they gradually gain these important skills that will definitely benefit their self-development. For instance, a friend of my mother's is now a leader of a non-profit organization. When I met her last month, she gave me the impression of a very outgoing, warmhearted, and optimistic person. However, she told me that before she participated in voluntary work during her school days, she was extremely shy and introverted. Being a volunteer not only helped her understand her social responsibility but also made her into a helpful, extroverted person because of the constant interaction with other volunteers and people in need. As a result, after seeing the beauty of voluntary work, she founded her own non-profit organization, aiming to help homeless kids in the city.

In conclusion, I believe that working as a volunteer in the students' hometowns or the cities where the universities are located benefits students a lot, because they can make friends with people outside of the campus and learn valuable skills that are not in the textbooks.

你是一个托福考试的评分程序。请按照托福考试的评分细则,请对上面这位考生的托福写作水平进行评估,给出参考分数范围,分数范围 0 - 30。先输出分数,再给予解释。

然后 ChatGPT 就会这样回答你:




头脑风暴:既然 ChatGPT 可以对托福写作进行打分和指导,那么托业(TOEIC),雅思(IELTS),英语四级(CET-4),英语六级(CET-6),考研英语,高考英语,中考英语,公务员考试等是不是也毫无压力?! ChatGPT 即将快速改变许许多多的产业和群体!真正的 Game Changer!

KPI 填写

焦头烂额,不知道 KPI 到底该怎么写才能满足要求(逼格满满)?

TODO: 今天实在忙不过来了,明天更新~



TODO: 今天实在忙不过来了,明天更新~


没错!你是产品经理(甲方),ChatGPT是程序员(乙方)。ChatGPT写的既快又好还带单元测试!感觉到了职业危机有没有?没错~ 我们要下岗了 :(

TODO: 今天实在忙不过来了,明天更新~


如果你已经有了代码,那么你可以让 ChatGPT 帮你写单元测试代码!这下不用担心单元测试覆盖率不够高的问题了~

TODO: 今天实在忙不过来了,明天更新~

帮你 Review 代码 / debug

需要一个编程大师帮你看看代码,指点一二?或者遇到了奇怪的 Bug,不知道如何解决?没错,直接找万能的 ChatGPT 就行,保证药到病除!

TODO: 今天实在忙不过来了,明天更新~


在艺术品味方面,ChatGPT 也是一绝。

TODO: 今天实在忙不过来了,明天更新~

想要更多 ChatGPT 的神奇用法?

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未经允许不得转载:工具盒子 » 使用 Prompts 和 Chains 让 ChatGPT 成为神奇的生产力工具!