



Trying to get my simple aged cache to pass all unit tests, keeps failing on one of them

问题 {#heading}


package io.collective;

import java.time.Clock; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map;

public class SimpleAgedCache { private final Clock clock; private final Map<Object, CacheEntry> cacheMap;

public SimpleAgedCache(Clock clock) {
    this.clock = clock;
    this.cacheMap = new HashMap&lt;&gt;();

public SimpleAgedCache() { this(Clock.system(Clock.systemDefaultZone().getZone())); }

public void put(Object key, Object value, int retentionInMillis) { if (key != null &amp;&amp; retentionInMillis &gt; 0) { long expirationTime = clock.millis() + retentionInMillis; cacheMap.put(key, new CacheEntry(value, expirationTime)); } }

public boolean isEmpty() { return cacheMap.isEmpty(); }

public int size() { return cacheMap.size(); }

public Object get(Object key) { cleanExpiredRecords(); CacheEntry entry = cacheMap.get(key); if (entry != null) { return entry.value; } return null; }

private void cleanExpiredRecords() { long currentTime = clock.millis(); cacheMap.entrySet().removeIf(entry -&gt; entry.getValue().isExpired(currentTime)); }

private static class CacheEntry { Object value; long expirationTime;

CacheEntry(Object value, long expirationTime) {
    this.value = value;
    this.expirationTime = expirationTime;

boolean isExpired(long currentTime) {
    return currentTime &amp;gt;= expirationTime;

boolean isNotExpired(long currentTime) {
    return !isExpired(currentTime);




public void getExpired() {
    TestClock clock = new TestClock();
SimpleAgedCache expired = new SimpleAgedCache(clock);
expired.put(&quot;aKey&quot;, &quot;aValue&quot;, 2000);
expired.put(&quot;anotherKey&quot;, &quot;anotherValue&quot;, 4000);


assertEquals(1, expired.size()); assertEquals(&quot;anotherValue&quot;, expired.get(&quot;anotherKey&quot;));



Simple Aged Cache:
I have created a simple aged cache and I have got it to pass all unit tests except getExpired. I have tried running the cleanExpiredRecords method after the put, and before, really not sure how to fix this. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

package io.collective;
import java.time.Clock;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class SimpleAgedCache {
private final Clock clock;
private final Map&lt;Object, CacheEntry&gt; cacheMap;
public SimpleAgedCache(Clock clock) {
this.clock = clock;
this.cacheMap = new HashMap&lt;&gt;();
public SimpleAgedCache() {
public void put(Object key, Object value, int retentionInMillis) {
if (key != null &amp;&amp; retentionInMillis &gt; 0){
long expirationTime = clock.millis() + retentionInMillis;
cacheMap.put(key, new CacheEntry(value, expirationTime));
public boolean isEmpty() {
return cacheMap.isEmpty();
public int size() {
return cacheMap.size();
public Object get(Object key) {
CacheEntry entry = cacheMap.get(key);
if (entry != null){
return entry.value;
return null;
private void cleanExpiredRecords(){
long currentTime = clock.millis();
cacheMap.entrySet().removeIf(entry -&gt; entry.getValue().isExpired(currentTime));
private static class CacheEntry{
Object value;
long expirationTime;
CacheEntry(Object value, long expirationTime){
this.value = value;
this.expirationTime = expirationTime;
boolean isExpired(long currentTime){
return currentTime &gt;= expirationTime;
boolean isNotExpired(long currentTime){
return !isExpired(currentTime);

The Junit test that it keeps failing is below. I am trying to get my code to pass the unit test. However, it keeps returning 2 when the expected answer is 1.
Expected :1
Actual :2

public void getExpired() {
TestClock clock = new TestClock();
SimpleAgedCache expired = new SimpleAgedCache(clock);
expired.put(&quot;aKey&quot;, &quot;aValue&quot;, 2000);
expired.put(&quot;anotherKey&quot;, &quot;anotherValue&quot;, 4000);
assertEquals(1, expired.size());
assertEquals(&quot;anotherValue&quot;, expired.get(&quot;anotherKey&quot;));

答案1 {#1}

得分: 1

我不看到在两个 "puts" 和 "size-call" 之间会删除元素。 英文:

I don't see that elements will be removed between the two puts and the size-call.

答案2 {#2}

得分: 1



public void getExpired() {
    TestClock clock = new TestClock();
SimpleAgedCache expired = new SimpleAgedCache(clock);
expired.put(&quot;aKey&quot;, &quot;aValue&quot;, 2000);
expired.put(&quot;anotherKey&quot;, &quot;anotherValue&quot;, 4000);


assertEquals(&quot;anotherValue&quot;, expired.get(&quot;anotherKey&quot;)); assertEquals(1, expired.size());



Your cleanup method is triggered when the client calls get(), but not when it calls size(). In other words, when you call size(), your cache actually holds two key -> value pairs, and the expired record is removed only when you call get().

This should not fail:

public void getExpired() {
TestClock clock = new TestClock();
SimpleAgedCache expired = new SimpleAgedCache(clock);
expired.put(&quot;aKey&quot;, &quot;aValue&quot;, 2000);
expired.put(&quot;anotherKey&quot;, &quot;anotherValue&quot;, 4000);
assertEquals(&quot;anotherValue&quot;, expired.get(&quot;anotherKey&quot;));
assertEquals(1, expired.size());

未经允许不得转载:工具盒子 » 尝试使我的简单缓存通过所有单元测试,但在其中一个测试上仍然失败。