

你可以在Asp .Net(而不是ASP. Net Core)中使用SignalR吗?


Can I use signalr with Asp .Net (not ASP. Net core)?

问题 {#heading}

我对SignalR是否可以在ASP.NET(而非ASP.NET Core)上运行感到困惑。我正在使用ASP.NET构建一个项目,但找不到任何资源或示例提到SignalR可以在ASP.NET上运行,而在这个项目中页面会频繁进行页面回发。



我在YouTube和Google上搜索以确认或找到示例,但没有成功... 英文:

I am confused about SignalR if it can work on asp.net (not asp. Net core). I am building a project in ASP.NET but cannot find any resource or example that mention that SignalR can works on Asp. Net in which pages work heavily on Page Postback.

I feel the question little bit stupid.. But i am really confused...

Please give me a hand, and if Yes, it is working, please lead me to some tutorials..

I searched youtube and google to confirm or find an example but there was no luck...

答案1 {#1}

得分: 1

是的,您可以在ASP.NET(不是ASP.NET Core)中使用SignalR。SignalR最初是作为ASP.NET的一部分引入的,后来为ASP.NET Core提供了一个单独的版本。然而,SignalR的原始ASP.NET版本现在被称为"SignalR for ASP.NET"或有时称为"SignalR 2.x"。

  • 安装SignalR包:使用NuGet包管理器控制台安装ASP.NET的SignalR包:

  • 配置SignalR:在您的ASP.NET应用程序的Startup或Global.asax文件中,您需要在Application_Start方法中配置SignalR:

  • 创建Hubs:通过继承Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Hub来创建SignalR hubs:

  • 客户端代码:在客户端使用jquery.signalR.js脚本与SignalR hubs进行交互:

  • HTML标记:添加HTML标记以与hub进行交互:

  • JavaScript交互:使用JavaScript处理与hub的交互:


Yes, you can use SignalR with ASP.NET (not ASP.NET Core). SignalR was originally introduced as part of ASP.NET and later got a separate version for ASP.NET Core. However, the original ASP.NET version of SignalR is now referred to as "SignalR for ASP.NET" or sometimes "SignalR 2.x".

  • Install SignalR Package: Install the SignalR package for ASP.NET
    using NuGet Package Manager Console:

  • Configure SignalR: In your ASP.NET application's Startup or
    Global.asax file, you need to configure SignalR in the
    Application_Start method:

  • Create Hubs: Create SignalR hubs by inheriting from

  • Client-Side Code: Use the jquery.signalR.js script on the client side
    to interact with SignalR hubs:

  • HTML Markup: Add HTML markup to interact with the hub:

  • JavaScript Interaction: Use JavaScript to handle interactions with
    the hub:

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