

Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expression of type 'string' can't be used to index type (key of forEach)


Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expression of type 'string' can't be used to index type (key of forEach)

问题 {#heading}




type headerStyles = { textAlign: string; backgroundColor?: string };

const exampleData:[string, {
    textAlign: string;
    backgroundColor?: string;
}] = [
    ['header text1', { textAlign: 'left' }],
    ['header text2', { textAlign: 'center' }],
    ['header text3', { textAlign: 'left', backgroundColor: '#ddd' }],
    ['header text4', { textAlign: 'left' }]

const renderHeader = (headers: [string, headerStyles][]) => {
    const head = document.createElement('thead');
    const row = document.createElement('tr');
    headers.forEach(headerProps => {
        const th = document.createElement('th');
        const styles = headerProps[1];

        Object.keys(styles).forEach(prop => {
            th.style[prop] = styles[prop]; // <--- Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expression of type 'string' can't be used to index type 'headerStyles'

我尝试过从这里分配[prop as keyof typeof styles],但由于某些键可能未定义(例如backgroundColor),它并没有帮助。

我尝试添加if (prop !== undefined)检查,这也没有帮助。

我尝试分配[key: string]类型链接,然而,键可能是未定义的。

是否有办法可以在不添加大量空的'backgroundColor'键到数据对象的情况下解决这个问题? 英文:

Updated with missing headerStyles type

Good day everyone. I've been trying to create a dynamic style adding function for table th elements:

type headerStyles = { textAlign: string; backgroundColor?: string };

const exampleData:[string, {
    textAlign: string;
    backgroundColor?: string;
}] = [
[&#39;header text1&#39;, { textAlign: &#39;left&#39; }],
[&#39;header text2&#39;, { textAlign: &#39;center&#39; }]
[&#39;header text3&#39;, { textAlign: &#39;left&#39;, backgroundColor: &#39;#ddd&#39; }]
[&#39;header text4&#39;, { textAlign: &#39;left&#39; }]

const renderHeader = (headers: [string, headerStyles][]) =&gt; {
  const head = document.createElement(&#39;thead&#39;);
  const row = document.createElement(&#39;tr&#39;);
  headers.forEach(headerProps =&gt; {
    const th = document.createElement(&#39;th&#39;);
    const styles = headerProps[1];

    Object.keys(styles).forEach(prop =&gt; {
      th.style[prop] = styles[prop]; // &lt;--- Element implicitly has an &#39;any&#39; type because expression of type &#39;string&#39; can&#39;t be used to index type &#39;headerStyles&#39;

I've tried assigning [prop as keyof typeof styles] from here, however it didn't help since some keys might be undefined (like backgroundColor).

Tried adding if (prop !== undefined) check, which also didn't help.

Tried assigning [key:string] type link, however again, key might be undefined.

Is there any way without adding a bunch of empty &#39;backgroundColor keys in data object?

答案1 {#1}

得分: 0


type HeaderStyles = {
textAlign: string;
backgroundColor?: string;
const exampleData: [string, HeaderStyles][] = [
['header text1', { textAlign: 'left' }],
['header text2', { textAlign: 'center' }],
['header text3', { textAlign: 'left', backgroundColor: '#ddd' }],
['header text4', { textAlign: 'left' }]
const renderHeader = (headers: [string, HeaderStyles][]) => {
const head = document.createElement('thead');
const row = document.createElement('tr');
headers.forEach(headerProps => {
const th = document.createElement('th');
const styles = headerProps[1];
(Object.keys(styles) as Array<keyof HeaderStyles>).forEach(prop => {
const style = styles[prop];
if (style) {
th.style[prop] = style; // &lt;--- Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expression of type 'string' can't be used to index type 'headerStyles'

这是你提供的代码的中文翻译部分。 英文:

Here's one way about it -

type HeaderStyles = {
textAlign: string;
backgroundColor?: string;
const exampleData: [string, HeaderStyles][] = [
[&#39;header text1&#39;, { textAlign: &#39;left&#39; }],
[&#39;header text2&#39;, { textAlign: &#39;center&#39; }],
[&#39;header text3&#39;, { textAlign: &#39;left&#39;, backgroundColor: &#39;#ddd&#39; }],
[&#39;header text4&#39;, { textAlign: &#39;left&#39; }]
const renderHeader = (headers: [string, HeaderStyles][]) =&gt; {
const head = document.createElement(&#39;thead&#39;);
const row = document.createElement(&#39;tr&#39;);
headers.forEach(headerProps =&gt; {
const th = document.createElement(&#39;th&#39;);
const styles = headerProps[1];
(Object.keys(styles) as Array&lt;keyof HeaderStyles&gt;).forEach(prop =&gt; {
const style = styles[prop];
if (style) {
th.style[prop] = style; // &lt;--- Element implicitly has an &#39;any&#39; type because expression of type &#39;string&#39; can&#39;t be used to index type &#39;headerStyles&#39;

Here's a playground link.

未经允许不得转载:工具盒子 » Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expression of type 'string' can't be used to index type (key of forEach)