

奇怪的问题与Windows有关:Qt 5.15.2


Weird issue with Windows: Qt 5.15.2

问题 {#heading}

Platform Qt 5.15.2 Windows.


QString commstr = "c:/temp/cpath.bat";

QProcess::startDetached("cmd.exe", QStringList() << "/c" << "start" << commstr);


echo off
set PATH=%PATH%; 更多路径在此添加 ...

它会打开一个控制台并运行QString commstr中包含的.bat文件。批处理文件会对路径进行临时更改,然后完成,但会保留控制台以供用户进一步交互。一切都很正常,正如预期的那样。

这里有一个奇怪的问题:如果用户名中有嵌入的空格,例如 "joe user",则批处理文件将无法运行。控制台会打开,但commstr永远不会被执行。我无法理解为什么用户名在这里会有影响。

我无法想象用户名在此起到了什么作用。代码中没有引用用户的主目录(例如 "C:\Users\joe user"),程序也没有安装在那里。程序在其他带有嵌入空格的目录(例如 "C:\Program Files")上无问题运行。 英文:

Platform Qt 5.15.2 Windows.

I have a function that uses this code:

QString commstr = &quot;c:/temp/cpath.bat&quot;;
`QProcess::startDetached(&quot;cmd.exe&quot;, QStringList() &lt;&lt; &quot;/c&quot; &lt;&lt; &quot;start&quot; &lt;&lt; commstr);

bat file:

echo off
set PATH=%PATH%; more paths added here ...

It opens a console and runs the .bat file contained in the QString commstr. The bat file makes a temporary change to the path then finishes, leaving the console open for further user interaction. Works great, just as intended.

Here's the weird problem: If the userid has embedded spaces i.e. "joe user" the .bat file is not run. The console opens, but commstr is never executed. I can't for the life of me figure out why the userid matters here.

I can't imagine what part the userid plays in this. The user's home directory (e.g. "C:\Users\joe user") isn't referenced in the code, nor is the program installed there. The program works w/o issues other embedded spaces directories anyway (e.g "C:\Program Files").

答案1 {#1}

得分: 0

QProcess::startDetached("cmd.exe", QStringList() << "/c" << "start" << "" << "/path/to/file.bat");


      START "标题" [/D 路径] [选项] "命令" [参数]

关键词: 标题 CMD窗口标题栏上的文本(必需) 路径 起始目录。 命令 要运行的命令、批处理文件或可执行程序。 参数 传递给命令的参数。


 QProcess::startDetached(&quot;cmd.exe&quot;, QStringList() &lt;&lt; &quot;/c&quot; &lt;&lt; &quot;start&quot; &lt;&lt; &quot;&quot;  &lt;&lt; &quot;/path/to/file.bat&quot;);

Adding a empty title string as the first argument following start fixed my issue.

      START &quot;title&quot; [/D path] [options] &quot;command&quot; [parameters]

Key: title Text for the CMD window title bar (required.) path Starting directory. command The command, batch file or executable program to run. parameters The parameters passed to the command.```


未经允许不得转载:工具盒子 » 奇怪的问题与Windows有关:Qt 5.15.2