



Why is my cookie prefixed with __Host- getting rejected by Chrome?

问题 {#heading}


__Host-cookie=value; Path=/; Expires=Fri, 11 Aug 2023 04:58:13 GMT; Max-Age=86399; HttpOnly; Secure; SameSite=Strict






有人看出我的cookie有什么问题吗? 英文:

I'm trying to leverage the cookie name prefix convention to get the browser to help me set secure cookies. My cookie is named __Host-cookie and it is set like this:

__Host-cookie=value; Path=/; Expires=Fri, 11 Aug 2023 04:58:13 GMT; Max-Age=86399; HttpOnly; Secure; SameSite=Strict

However Chrome refuses to set it and shows this error in the network log:

> This attempt to set a cookie via a Set-Cookie header was blocked because it used the "__Secure-" or "__Host-" prefix in its name and broke the additional rules applied to cookies with these prefixes as defined in https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-west-cookie-prefixes-05

The cookie itself seems fine to me. Only thing I can think of is that because I'm testing using a service running on my own machine, I'm setting the cookie from localhost and that maybe fails this requirement from the IETF docs
> Set from a URI whose "scheme" is considered "secure" by the user agent

I expected localhost to be exempt though since it's exempt from other conventions that require a secure host. For example Chrome will happily sent a cookie flagged Secure to a server running on http://localhost.

Does anyone see something wrong with my cookie?

答案1 {#1}

得分: 1


  1. 带有"Secure"属性
  2. 从用户代理视为"安全"的URI设置
  3. 仅发送到设置了cookie的主机。也就是说,从"https://example.com"设置的名为"__Host-cookie1"的cookie不得包含"Domain"属性(因此只会发送到"example.com",而不会发送到"subdomain.example.com")。
  4. 发送到主机的每个请求。也就是说,名为"__Host-cookie1"的cookie必须包含一个值为"/"的"Path"属性。

在你的情况下,违反了规则2,因为http://localhost不安全。 英文:

> If a cookie's name begins with "__Host-", the cookie MUST be:
> 1. Set with a "Secure" attribute
> 2. Set from a URI whose "scheme" is considered "secure" by the user agent.
> 3. Sent only to the host which set the cookie. That is, a cookie named "__Host-cookie1" set from "https://example.com" MUST NOT contain a "Domain" attribute (and will therefore be sent only to "example.com", and not to "subdomain.example.com").
> 4. Sent to every request for a host. That is, a cookie named "__Host-cookie1" MUST contain a "Path" attribute with a value of "/".

In your case it violates rule 2 as http://localhost isn't secure

未经允许不得转载:工具盒子 » 我的cookie为什么以__Host-为前缀而被Chrome拒绝?