

Is there anyway to get around the SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR when accessing a website through https when it does not have ssl?


Is there anyway to get around the SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR when accessing a website through https when it does not have ssl?

问题 {#heading}


Is there anyway to get around the SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR when accessing a website through https when it does not have ssl?

有没有办法在不更改名称服务器或启用加密的情况下解决这个问题? 英文:

I have a simple Portfolio website with the domain address razifalah.com.
I use this domain for email server and I also use it to redirect clients to another domain address,
However if i use the https protocol instead if the http I get this error:

Is there anyway to get around the SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR when accessing a website through https when it does not have ssl?

Is there anyway i could get around this without changing the name server or enabling encryption?

答案1 {#1}

得分: 0

当通过HTTPS访问网站时,如果没有正确启用HTTPS,是无法绕过SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR的。DNS与此无关。 英文:

> get around the SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR when accessing a website through https ... without ... enabling encryption?

It is impossible to access a site by HTTPS if HTTPS is not properly enabled. DNS is irrelevant for this.

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