

Dart Block for Language Server 在闪烁。VsCode 在 Mac 上也变慢了。


Dart Block for Language Server is flashing. VsCode is also slowed on Mac

问题 {#heading}


尝试在线寻找答案,重启VSCode,重新安装,从Git重新下载项目,但都没有效果。最近已经进行了Flutter升级和VSCode升级。 英文:

Dart Block for Language Server 在闪烁。VsCode 在 Mac 上也变慢了。

This code Block section for Flutter/Dart code on VSCode keeps flashing. I have also been experiencing slow VSCode issues and I'm wondering if the two are related. Anyone have any ideas as to why this is happening? my VSCode was fine before I updated flutter. It's only happening on one project and the rest work fine.

Tried looking for answers online, restarting VSCode, reinstalling, re-downloading project from git and nothing worked. Done a flutter upgrade and VSCode upgrade recently.

答案1 {#1}

得分: 0

删除并重新安装Flutter和VSCode,以及与它们相关的所有引用,包括.dart、.dartServer和.flutter文件,以及.vscode文件夹。不知道出了什么问题,但我知道这解决了我遇到的问题。不确定删除这么多文件是否安全,所以不会完全建议给别人,除非你对发生了什么事情以及哪些文件是需要的和不需要的有一些了解。同时也要更新Flutter。 英文:

Delete and reinstall flutter and VSCode as well as any references to them, including .dart, .dartServer and .flutter files as well as .vscode. Don't know what was wrong but I know that it fixed the issues I was having. Not sure how safe it is to delete so many files so wouldn't exactly recommend to someone unless you have some idea of what's happening and what files you do and don't need. Also update flutter.

未经允许不得转载:工具盒子 » Dart Block for Language Server 在闪烁。VsCode 在 Mac 上也变慢了。