Java: How to count and process elements in a Stream without auxiliary structures or peek()?
问题 {#heading}
public static <T> long extractAndProcess(Stream<T> streamData, int pageIndex, int itemsPerPage, Consumer<T> itemHandler) {
long startPosition = (long) pageIndex * itemsPerPage;
AtomicLong totalCount = new AtomicLong();
streamData.peek(item -> totalCount.incrementAndGet())
return totalCount.get();
I'm working with Java streams and I need a method to both count all elements in the stream and, at the same time, perform operations on a subset of them using skip() and limit().
I'm aiming to do this without using any auxiliary structures to reduce heap space usage, because the data entered can be very large.
I'd also prefer to steer clear of the peek() method due to its potential side effects in specific scenarios, as detailed in this article
public static <T> long extractAndProcess(Stream<T> streamData, int pageIndex, int itemsPerPage, Consumer<T> itemHandler) {
long startPosition = (long) pageIndex * itemsPerPage;
AtomicLong totalCount = new AtomicLong();
streamData.peek(item -&gt; totalCount.incrementAndGet())
return totalCount.get();
I tried to use peek() here, but in combination with .limit() it doesn't work as I assumed in the specific cases.
答案1 {#1}
得分: 1
streamData.forEachOrdered(elem -> {
int i = totalCount.getAndIncrement();
if (i >= startPosition && i < startPosition + itemsPerPage) {
我不认为存在更好的解决方案;流并不是为你试图用它们做的事情而设计的。 英文:
The only viable solution that deals with the case you've described looks like
streamData.forEachOrdered(elem -> {
int i = totalCount.getAndIncrement();
if (i >= startPosition && i < startPosition + itemsPerPage) {
I don't believe a better solution exists; streams are really not designed to do what you're trying to do with them.