

ssh-copy-id 工具无法处理具有多个点的文件名的公共 identity_file。


ssh-copy-id tool can't handle public identity_file when it has multiple dots in a filename

问题 {#heading}

当使用 -i 选项并提供类似于 admin_rsa.pem.pub 的文件时,实用程序尝试打开 admin_rsa.pem 文件。

这是否是预期行为? 英文:

When using -i option and providing file like admin_rsa.pem.pub utility is trying to open admin_rsa.pem file.

Is it expected behavior?

答案1 {#1}

得分: 1

通过选项-i,您(客户端)启动了密钥身份验证 。这是通过生成一个已签名令牌来证明您可以访问私钥来完成的。


=> 为执行此身份验证任务,客户端必须访问私钥(您的admin_rsa.pem。 英文:

By the option -i you (the client side) start a key-authentcation . This is done by proving, you have access to the private key by generating a signed token.

The server gets the token (signed by your private key) and verifies the signature by using the public key you have stored in your home at the server.

=> To do this authentication job, the client has to access the private key (your admin_rsa.pem)

未经允许不得转载:工具盒子 » ssh-copy-id 工具无法处理具有多个点的文件名的公共 identity_file。