

Jenkins 使用定时参数构建的 cron 表达式


Jenkins Build periodically with parameters cron expression

问题 {#heading}

0 23 ? * FRI#3 英文:

I only want to run once in a month, every 3rd Friday at 11 pm. I tried a cron expression "0 23 ? * FRI#3" in the Jenkinsfile. It shows a syntax error. What would be the correct expression?

            0 23 ? * FRI#3 %INPUT-CHOICE=XXX; HOSTS=YYY

答案1 {#1}

得分: 0

已翻译:在每月的15日至21日(15-21)运行,每月的第3个星期五(5),在23:00/11 PM时运行(0 23)。每月的15日至21日只会出现一个星期五。 英文:

I am not sure FRI#3 is supported, but you can emulate that behavior with 0 23 15-21 * 5

Translated: run at 23:00/11 PM (0 23), on a Friday (5), on the 15th up to and including the 21th (15-21) day of the month, each month (*). On the 15-21th day of each month only one Friday can occur; the 3rd Friday of the month.

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