

NextJs Tailwind 头部样式问题


NextJs Tailwind header styling issue

问题 {#heading}

I have a Next.js 项目并使用 Tailwind 进行样式设计。


  • 大屏幕(桌面或笔记本电脑)应该在左侧显示标志,并在右侧显示联系信息(这部分正常工作)。

  • 较小的屏幕(手机)应该只显示标志,并且应该居中显示。


  • 当屏幕尺寸较小时,或者我调整浏览器窗口以表示较小的屏幕时,标志没有移动到标题的中心。而且联系信息仍然显示。


I have Nextjs project and I am using tailwind. I have an issue with styling.


  • large screen (desktop or laptop) should show logo to the left and to the right contact information should show. (this is working as expected)

  • smaller screen (mobile phone) should show only logo and it should be centered


  • when the screen size is smaller or I adjust the browser screen to represent a smaller screen the logo does not shift to the center of the header. Also the contact information still show

    import React from "react"; import Image from "next/image"; import { ShoppingBasket } from "lucide-react";

    const AppHeader: React.FC = () => { return ( <header className="bg-[#212529] border-b border-white sm:h-[77px] lg:h-[91px]"> <div className="container mx-auto px-4 flex justify-between items-center h-full"> <div className="flex items-center"> <Image src="/path-to-your-logo.png" alt="Logo" width={190} height={57} className="sm:w-[166px] sm:h-[50px] lg:w-[190px] lg:h-[57px]" /> </div> <div className="sm:hidden md:flex items-center space-x-4"> <div className="flex flex-col font-medium text-white font-montserrat"> <span style={{ fontSize: "12px" }}>1503 Kelly's.</span> <span style={{ fontSize: "12px" }}>Clove SC 78620</span> <span style={{ fontSize: "12px" }}>(704) 777-7777</span> <span style={{ fontSize: "12px" }}>2131@gmail.com</span> </div> <div className="border-l h-[48px]"></div> <ShoppingBasket className="text-white h-8 w-8" /> </div> </div> </header> ); };

    export default AppHeader;

答案1 {#1}

得分: 0

Remove the sm: prefix from sm:hidden from the <div> that encapsulates the right contact information so that the right contact information will have display: none applied until the md: breakpoint.

To center the logo, apply justify-items: center via the justify-center utility class, and then apply justify-items: space-between for screens larger than the md breakpoint by adding the md:justify-between utility class. 英文:

Remove the sm: prefix from sm:hidden from the &lt;div&gt; that encapsulates the right contact information so that the right contact information will have display: none applied until the md: breakpoint.

To center the logo, apply justify-items: center via the justify-center utility class, and then apply justify-items: space-between for screens larger than the md breakpoint by adding the md:justify-between utility class:

<!-- begin snippet: js hide: false console: false babel: true -->

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const ShoppingBasket = () =&gt; &#39;ShoppingBasket&#39;;

const AppHeader = () =&amp;gt; { return ( &amp;lt;header className=&amp;quot;bg-[#212529] border-b border-white sm:h-[77px] lg:h-[91px]&amp;quot;&amp;gt; &amp;lt;div className=&amp;quot;container mx-auto px-4 flex justify-center items-center h-full md:justify-between&amp;quot;&amp;gt; &amp;lt;div className=&amp;quot;flex items-center&amp;quot;&amp;gt; &amp;lt;img src=&amp;quot;https://picsum.photos/190/57&amp;quot; alt=&amp;quot;Logo&amp;quot; width={190} height={57} className=&amp;quot;sm:w-[166px] sm:h-[50px] lg:w-[190px] lg:h-[57px]&amp;quot; /&amp;gt; &amp;lt;/div&amp;gt; &amp;lt;div className=&amp;quot;hidden md:flex items-center space-x-4&amp;quot;&amp;gt; &amp;lt;div className=&amp;quot;flex flex-col font-medium text-white font-montserrat&amp;quot;&amp;gt; &amp;lt;span style={{ fontSize: &amp;quot;12px&amp;quot; }}&amp;gt;1503 Kelly&amp;#39;s.&amp;lt;/span&amp;gt; &amp;lt;span style={{ fontSize: &amp;quot;12px&amp;quot; }}&amp;gt;Clove SC 78620&amp;lt;/span&amp;gt; &amp;lt;span style={{ fontSize: &amp;quot;12px&amp;quot; }}&amp;gt;(704) 777-7777&amp;lt;/span&amp;gt; &amp;lt;span style={{ fontSize: &amp;quot;12px&amp;quot; }}&amp;gt;2131@gmail.com&amp;lt;/span&amp;gt; &amp;lt;/div&amp;gt; &amp;lt;div className=&amp;quot;border-l h-[48px]&amp;quot;&amp;gt;&amp;lt;/div&amp;gt; &amp;lt;ShoppingBasket className=&amp;quot;text-white h-8 w-8&amp;quot; /&amp;gt; &amp;lt;/div&amp;gt; &amp;lt;/div&amp;gt; &amp;lt;/header&amp;gt; ); };


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&lt;script src=&quot;https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/18.2.0/umd/react.production.min.js&quot; integrity=&quot;sha512-8Q6Y9XnTbOE+JNvjBQwJ2H8S+UV4uA6hiRykhdtIyDYZ2TprdNmWOUaKdGzOhyr4dCyk287OejbPvwl7lrfqrQ==&quot; crossorigin=&quot;anonymous&quot; referrerpolicy=&quot;no-referrer&quot;&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
&lt;script src=&quot;https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react-dom/18.2.0/umd/react-dom.production.min.js&quot; integrity=&quot;sha512-MOCpqoRoisCTwJ8vQQiciZv0qcpROCidek3GTFS6KTk2+y7munJIlKCVkFCYY+p3ErYFXCjmFjnfTTRSC1OHWQ==&quot; crossorigin=&quot;anonymous&quot; referrerpolicy=&quot;no-referrer&quot;&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
&lt;script src=&quot;https://cdn.tailwindcss.com&quot;&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
`&lt;div id=&quot;app&quot;&gt;&lt;/div&gt;

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