



How to manipulate a div using .draggable(), sliders, and text input using JqueryUI

问题 {#heading}

我有一个圆形的 div,它在一个更大的矩形 div 内移动。我目前可以使用 .dragable() 来移动它。我还需要能够使用具有输入框的滑块来移动圆形。输入框还应显示圆的当前位置。我认为这需要获取圆的当前位置,但我不知道从哪里开始。


    <div class="container-fluid" id="graphBox">

        <div id="graphBack">
            <div id="head" class="ui-widget-content"></div>

        <div class="border" id="vertSliderBox">
            <label class="slider-label" for="verticalSlider">垂直位置:</label>
            <div id="verticalSlider" class="slider"></div>
            <input type="number" class="slider-input" id="verticalInput">


    <div class="container-fluid border">
        <label class="slider-label" for="horizontalSlider">水平位置:</label>
        <div id="horizontalSlider" class="slider"></div>
        <input type="number" class="slider-input" id="horizontalInput">


        $(function () {

                containment: "#graphBack"

                range: "min",
                value: 0,
                min: -70,
                max: 70,
                slide: function (event, ui) {
                    $("#head").css("left", ui.value + "px");

            $("#horizontalInput").on("change", function () {
                var value = $(this).val();
                $("#head").css("left", value + "px");
                $("#horizontalSlider").slider("value", value);

                orientation: "vertical",
                range: "min",
                value: 20,
                min: 0,
                max: 40,
                slide: function (event, ui) {
                    $("#head").css("top", ui.value + "px");

            $("#verticalInput").on("change", function () {
                var value = $(this).val();
                $("#head").css("top", value + "px");
                $("#verticalSlider").slider("value", value);


请注意,这是你的原始代码,我没有进行任何翻译。如果你需要进一步的帮助或解释,请随时提问。 英文:

I have a circular div that moves along a larger rectangular div. I can move it around using .dragable() as of right now. I need to be able to also move the circle with sliders that have input boxes. The input boxes should also show the current position of the circle. I think this requires getting the current position of the circle but I dont know where to start.

This is what I have so far:

&lt;div class=&quot;container-fluid&quot; id=&quot;graphBox&quot;&gt;
&lt;div id=&quot;graphBack&quot;&gt;
&lt;div id=&quot;head&quot; class=&quot;ui-widget-content&quot;&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
&lt;div class=&quot;border&quot; id=&quot;vertSliderBox&quot;&gt;
&lt;label class=&quot;slider-label&quot; for=&quot;verticalSlider&quot;&gt;Vertical Position:&lt;/label&gt;
&lt;div id=&quot;verticalSlider&quot; class=&quot;slider&quot;&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
&lt;input type=&quot;number&quot; class=&quot;slider-input&quot; id=&quot;verticalInput&quot;&gt;
&lt;div class=&quot;container-fluid border&quot;&gt;
&lt;label class=&quot;slider-label&quot; for=&quot;horizontalSlider&quot;&gt;Horizontal Position:&lt;/label&gt;
&lt;div id=&quot;horizontalSlider&quot; class=&quot;slider&quot;&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
&lt;input type=&quot;number&quot; class=&quot;slider-input&quot; id=&quot;horizontalInput&quot;&gt;
$(function () {
containment: &quot;#graphBack&quot;
range: &quot;min&quot;,
value: 0,
min: -70,
max: 70,
slide: function (event, ui) {
$(&quot;#head&quot;).css(&quot;left&quot;, ui.value + &quot;px&quot;);
$(&quot;#horizontalInput&quot;).on(&quot;change&quot;, function () {
var value = 0;
var value = $(this).val();
$(&quot;#head&quot;).css(&quot;left&quot;, value + &quot;px&quot;);
$(&quot;#horizontalSlider&quot;).slider(&quot;value&quot;, value);
orientation: &quot;vertical&quot;,
range: &quot;min&quot;,
value: 20,
min: 0,
max: 40,
slide: function (event, ui) {
$(&quot;#head&quot;).css(&quot;top&quot;, ui.value + &quot;px&quot;);
$(&quot;#verticalInput&quot;).on(&quot;change&quot;, function () {
var value = 20;
var value = $(this).val();
$(&quot;#head&quot;).css(&quot;top&quot;, value + &quot;px&quot;);
$(&quot;#verticalSlider&quot;).slider(&quot;value&quot;, value);

答案1 {#1}

得分: 1




    containment: "#graphBack",
    drag: function(event, ui) {
        var leftPosition = ui.position.left;
        var topPosition = ui.position.top;

        // 更新水平滑块和输入
        $("#horizontalSlider").slider("value", leftPosition);

        // 更新垂直滑块和输入
        $("#verticalSlider").slider("value", topPosition);

确保滑块的最小值和最大值与#graphBack容器的边界匹配,否则可能会发现滑块不准确表示#head div的位置。

最后,你需要为#head div添加样式,使其成为圆形,并为#graphBack容器添加一些大小,以确保容纳正常工作。你可以使用以下CSS来实现:

#graphBack {
    width: 140px; /* 根据需要调整 */
    height: 40px; /* 根据需要调整 */
    position: relative;
    border: 1px solid #000;

#head {
    width: 10px;
    height: 10px;
    border-radius: 50%;
    background-color: #000;
    position: absolute;


要使#head div位于#graphBack容器的中心,并使滑块默认到这些中心位置,你需要对JavaScript和CSS进行一些调整。


#graphBack {
    width: 140px; /* 根据需要调整 */
    height: 40px; /* 根据需要调整 */
    position: relative;
    border: 1px solid #000;

#head {
    width: 10px;
    height: 10px;
    border-radius: 50%;
    background-color: #000;
    position: absolute;
    left: 50%; /* 水平居中 */
    top: 50%; /* 垂直居中 */
    transform: translate(-50%, -50%); /* 根据#head的大小进行调整 */


$(function () {
    // 获取中心位置
    var centerLeft = $("#graphBack").width() / 2 - $("#head").width() / 2;
    var centerTop = $("#graphBack").height() / 2 - $("#head").height() / 2;

    // 设置#head的初始位置
    $("#head").css({ left: centerLeft, top: centerTop });

        containment: "#graphBack",
        drag: function(event, ui) {
            $("#horizontalSlider").slider("value", ui.position.left);
            $("#verticalSlider").slider("value", ui.position.top);

        range: "min",
        value: centerLeft, // 设置初始值
        min: 0,
        max: $("#graphBack").width() - $("#head").width(),
        slide: function (event, ui) {
            $("#head").css("left", ui.value + "px");

        orientation: "vertical",
        range: "min",
        value: centerTop, // 设置初始值
        min: 0,
        max: $("#graphBack").height() - $("#head").height(),
        slide: function (event, ui) {
            $("#head").css("top", ui.value + "px");

    // 设置输入框的初始值

    // ... 其余代码


现在,#head div应该从#graphBack容器的中心开始,滑块和输入框应该默认到这些中心位置! 英文:

Your existing code looks like a great start! You are indeed getting the current position of the circle when you move the sliders. You've set up sliders and inputs to control the horizontal and vertical position of the circular div.

One thing that's missing from your code is a way to update the sliders and inputs when the circular div is moved directly by dragging it. You'll need to add some logic inside the draggable function to update the sliders and inputs based on the current position of the div.

You can do that by adding a drag event inside the draggable method, like this:

containment: &quot;#graphBack&quot;,
drag: function(event, ui) {
var leftPosition = ui.position.left;
var topPosition = ui.position.top;
// Update the horizontal slider and input
$(&quot;#horizontalSlider&quot;).slider(&quot;value&quot;, leftPosition);
// Update the vertical slider and input
$(&quot;#verticalSlider&quot;).slider(&quot;value&quot;, topPosition);

Make sure the min and max values for the sliders match the boundaries of the #graphBack container, or else you might find that the sliders don't accurately represent the position of the #head div.

Lastly, you'll want to style the #head div to make it circular and give some size to the #graphBack container, so the containment works properly. You can do that with CSS like this:

#graphBack {
width: 140px; /* Adjust as needed */
height: 40px; /* Adjust as needed */
position: relative;
border: 1px solid #000;
#head {
width: 10px;
height: 10px;
border-radius: 50%;
background-color: #000;
position: absolute;

These values should be adjusted to suit your layout. Make sure that the min and max values of your sliders match the boundaries defined by these dimensions.

To center the #head div within the #graphBack container and have the sliders default to those center positions, you will need to make a few adjustments to your JavaScript and CSS.

Here's how you can achieve that:
First, you'll need to set the CSS so that the #head starts in the center of the #graphBack container:

#graphBack {
width: 140px; /* Adjust as needed */
height: 40px; /* Adjust as needed */
position: relative;
border: 1px solid #000;
#head {
width: 10px;
height: 10px;
border-radius: 50%;
background-color: #000;
position: absolute;
left: 50%; /* Center horizontally */
top: 50%; /* Center vertically */
transform: translate(-50%, -50%); /* Adjust for the size of #head */

Next, you'll need to update the JavaScript to set the initial values of the sliders and inputs to the center positions:

$(function () {
// Get the center positions
var centerLeft = $(&quot;#graphBack&quot;).width() / 2 - $(&quot;#head&quot;).width() / 2;
var centerTop = $(&quot;#graphBack&quot;).height() / 2 - $(&quot;#head&quot;).height() / 2;
// Set the initial position of the #head
$(&quot;#head&quot;).css({ left: centerLeft, top: centerTop });
containment: &quot;#graphBack&quot;,
drag: function(event, ui) {
$(&quot;#horizontalSlider&quot;).slider(&quot;value&quot;, ui.position.left);
$(&quot;#verticalSlider&quot;).slider(&quot;value&quot;, ui.position.top);
range: &quot;min&quot;,
value: centerLeft, // Set the initial value
min: 0,
max: $(&quot;#graphBack&quot;).width() - $(&quot;#head&quot;).width(),
slide: function (event, ui) {
$(&quot;#head&quot;).css(&quot;left&quot;, ui.value + &quot;px&quot;);
orientation: &quot;vertical&quot;,
range: &quot;min&quot;,
value: centerTop, // Set the initial value
min: 0,
max: $(&quot;#graphBack&quot;).height() - $(&quot;#head&quot;).height(),
slide: function (event, ui) {
$(&quot;#head&quot;).css(&quot;top&quot;, ui.value + &quot;px&quot;);
// Set the initial value of the input boxes
// ... rest of your code

Make sure to adjust the dimensions of #graphBack and #head in both the CSS and JavaScript (such as the min and max values for the sliders) to match your desired layout.

Now the #head div should start in the center of the #graphBack container, and the sliders and inputs should default to those center positions!

未经允许不得转载:工具盒子 » 如何使用jQueryUI的.draggable()、滑块和文本输入来操作一个div。