



How do I configure help and usage statements in a powershell script?

问题 {#heading}

核心方法是在 PowerShell 脚本中使用 CmdletBinding 和 Param 块来定义参数和帮助信息。以下是示例 PowerShell 脚本 foo.ps1,其中定义了参数和帮助信息:

<# test foo.ps1 #>

<# .SYNOPSIS This is a sample PowerShell script with custom parameters.

.DESCRIPTION This script demonstrates the usage of custom parameters in PowerShell.

.PARAMETER foo The -foo switch parameter does something.

.PARAMETER bar The -bar switch parameter does something else.

.EXAMPLE .\foo.ps1 -foo This example shows how to use the -foo parameter.

.EXAMPLE .\foo.ps1 -bar This example shows how to use the -bar parameter.

.NOTES File Name : foo.ps1 Author : Your Name Prerequisite : PowerShell

Copyright 2023 - Your Company #>

Rest of your script code goes here

在这个示例中,我们使用了 param 块来定义了 -foo-bar 参数,并使用了 [CmdletBinding()] 来启用高级的参数处理功能,如 -Debug-Verbose。帮助信息放在 <# ... #> 注释块中,可以通过 --helpGet-Help 命令来查看。

这样做可以使你的脚本更加用户友好,让用户可以轻松地查看和理解脚本的参数和功能。 英文:

Suppose I have the powershell script foo.ps1:

&lt;# test foo.ps1 #&gt;

Which has a few automatic parameters like -Debug and -Verbose in addition to the custom parameters -foo and -bar.

I should be able to see all of these parameters when I do something like .\foo.ps1 --help, or I should be able to configure that somehow.

What is the core way to do this in powershell?

答案1 {#1}

得分: 2


$myScript = Get-Command .\foo.ps1





关于Get-Help,这部分已经为您处理了 - 当您添加了CmdletBinding后,在执行Get-Help .\foo.ps1.\foo -?时,PowerShell将自动将[&lt;CommonParameters&gt;]添加到命令语法字符串中,以指示接受常见参数:


f [-foo] [-bar]


f [-foo] [-bar]  [&lt;CommonParameters&gt;]

如果您想要显示更丰富的帮助内容,则需要提供它 如何配置PowerShell脚本中的帮助和用法说明? 英文:

Get-Command will return you the full list of parameters, including common parameters:

$myScript = Get-Command .\foo.ps1

this is a dictionary containing all the parameters


we can index into it like any other dictionary to inspect the parameter metadata for a given parameter


With regards to Get-Help, that part is already taken care of for you - when you do Get-Help .\foo.ps1 or .\foo -? after adding a CmdletBinding, PowerShell will automatically add [&lt;CommonParameters&gt;] to the command syntax string to indicate that common parameters are accepted:

Without [CmdletBinding()] decorator:

f [-foo] [-bar]

With [CmdletBinding()] decorator (or any parameter attribute decorators) specified:

f [-foo] [-bar]  [&lt;CommonParameters&gt;]

If you want richer help content displayed, then you'll need to provide it 如何配置PowerShell脚本中的帮助和用法说明?

答案2 {#2}

得分: 0


  • 概念性的about_Command_Syntax帮助主题讨论了PowerShell的_语法图表_,这是PowerShell用于记录命令支持的参数、它们的数据类型、它们是否是强制的以及它们是否可以被绑定位置的符号表示法。

  • 通用参数 (如-Debug-Verbose)是由编译的cmdlet和高级函数和脚本<sup>[1]</sup>_隐式支持的,它们在概念性的about_CommonParameters帮助主题中有文档。

  • 通用参数在语法图表中从不单独显示,只显示为集体占位符[&lt;CommonParameters&gt;],如Mathias的回答中所示。

  • 由于一个_bug_,至少在PowerShell(Core)7.3.6之前,如果非高级函数和脚本恰好定义了_基于注释的帮助_,则此占位符也会错误地显示为非高级函数和脚本的支持,详细信息请参阅概念性的about_Comment_Based_Help帮助主题;这里有一个最小的示例:

    # !! 输出错误地建议Get-Foo支持通用参数。
    function Get-Foo { &lt;#.SYNOPSIS #&gt; }; Get-Foo -?
  • 语法图表可以通过参数-?(适用于cmdlet和_高级_函数和脚本以及具有基于注释的帮助的函数和脚本,即使非高级的情况下也适用),Get-Help(适用于任何命令,除了外部程序),以及Get-Command -Syntax来显示,后者直接从命令的定义中获取信息,而Get-Help可能会从外部帮助文件中获取信息,如果存在的话;由于帮助文件可能与实际实现不同步,Get-Command -Syntax是更可靠的来源。

  • 语法图表从不单独显示通用参数有点不幸:

    • 以下两个通用参数不受所有cmdlet /高级函数和脚本的支持,因为它们需要通过[CmdletBinding()]属性的ShouldProcess属性进行选择

      • -WhatIf

      • -Confirm

      • 作为一个经验法则,只有具有_副作用_的cmdlet,尤其是潜在的_破坏性_操作才支持这些参数,例如Remove-Item

      • _Tab-completion_可以告诉您对于给定的命令是否支持这些通用参数。

    • 正如Mathias所指出的,(Get-Command ...).Parameters允许您枚举给定命令的_所有_参数 - 但您不能以编程方式告诉哪些是_通用_参数 - 您将不得不通过它们的名称来识别它们。

      • 作为列出_只有_命令的通用参数的_近似_方法 - 这还将告诉您是否支持-WhatIf-Confirm,您可以使用以下方法,但请注意它可能会产生误报(使用Remove-Item作为示例命令):

        # 列出Remove-Item支持的所有通用参数。
        (Get-Command Remove-Item).Parameters.Values |
          Where { $_.Aliases[0] -like &#39;??&#39; -or $_.Name -eq &#39;InformationAction&#39; } | 
          ForEach-Object Name
        • 以上利用了所有通用参数都有_两个字母的别名_的事实,例如-wi代表-WhatIf - 唯一的例外是InformationAction,其别名为-infa


To complement Mathias' helpful answer:

  • The conceptual about_Command_Syntax help topic discusses PowerShell's syntax diagrams, which is PowerShell's notation for documenting a command's supported parameters, their data types, whether they are mandatory, and whether they can be bound positionally.

  • The common parameters (such as -Debug and -Verbose) that are implicitly supported by compiled cmdlets and advanced functions and scripts<sup>[1]</sup> are documented in the conceptual about_CommonParameters help topic.

  • Common parameters are never shown individually in syntax diagrams, only with the collective placeholder [&lt;CommonParameters&gt;], as shown in Mathias' answer.

  • Due to a bug , present up to at least PowerShell (Core) 7.3.6, this placeholder is mistakenly also shown for non -advanced functions and scripts, if they happen to define comment-based help , as documented in the conceptual about_Comment_Based_Help help topic; here's a minimal example:

    # !! Output mistakenly suggests that Get-Foo supports common parameters.
    function Get-Foo { &lt;#.SYNOPSIS #&gt; }; Get-Foo -?
  • Syntax diagrams can be shown with parameter -? (for cmdlets and advanced functions and scripts as well as functions and scripts with comment-based help, even if non-advanced), Get-Help (for any command except external programs), and, in isolation, with Get-Command -Syntax, which takes its information directly from the command's definition, whereas Get-Help may take its information from an external help file, if present; since a help file may get out of sync with the actual implementation, Get-Command -Syntax is a more reliable source.

  • That syntax diagrams never show enumerate the common parameters individually is somewhat unfortunate:

    • The following two common parameters aren't supported by all cmdlets / advanced functions and scripts, as they require opt-in via the ShouldProcess property of the [CmdletBinding()] attribute:

      • -WhatIf

      • -Confirm

      • As a rule of thumb, only cmdlets that have side effects , notably potentially destructive ones support these parameters, such as Remove-Item

      • Tab-completion can tell you for a given command whether these common parameters are supported or not.

    • As Mathias notes, (Get-Command ...).Parameters allows you to enumerate all parameters of a given command - but you cannot programmatically tell which of those are common parameters - you'll have to recognize them by their names.

      • As an approximation of listing only a command's common parameters - which will also tell you whether -WhatIf and -Confirm is supported, you can use the following, but note that it can yield false positives (using Remove-Item as a sample command):

        # List all common parameters supported by Remove-Item.
        (Get-Command Remove-Item).Parameters.Values |
          Where { $_.Aliases[0] -like &#39;??&#39; -or $_.Name -eq &#39;InformationAction&#39; } | 
          ForEach-Object Name
        • The above takes advantage of the fact that all common parameters have two-letter aliases , such as -wi for -WhatIf - the only exception being InformationAction, whose alias is -infa.

<sup>[1] In short: It is the use of a [CmdletBinding()] attribute and/or of at least one parameter-individual [Parameter()] attribute that makes a function or script and advanced one.</sup>

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