

Spring Data JDBC 动态的 where 子句


Spring Data JDBC dynamic where clauses

问题 {#heading}

  1. 有没有一种方法可以使用Spring Data JDBC编写动态的WHERE查询?

  2. 我如何访问底层的DataSource(或者也许是JdbcTemplate)以直接执行此查询?


this.jdbcTemplate.query = query // 具有6个或更少的`WHERE`子句的动态查询;
List<Result> results = this.jdbcTemplate.run();



有一个JdbcAggregateTemplate,带有一个<T> Iterable<T> findAll(Query query, Class<T> domainType); 查询。这是正确的地方吗?

与其他帖子相反,我无法自动装配EntityManager bean。 英文:

I have a custom search page, where i can enter up to 6 search options. This options are combined with AND so by using all filters i have 6 where clauses and so on.

Two questions:

  1. Is there a way to code this dynamic where query with spring data jdbc?

  2. How can i access the underlying DataSource (or maybe a JdbcTemplate) to fire this query directly?

For example:

this.jdbcTemplate.query = query // the dynamic query with 6 or less where clauses;
List&lt;Result&gt; results = this.jdbcTemplate.run();

Thank you!


There is a JdbcAggregateTemplate with a &lt;T&gt; Iterable&lt;T&gt; findAll(Query query, Class&lt;T&gt; domainType); query. Is this the right place?

In contrary to other posts stated, i cannot autowire an EntityManager bean.

答案1 {#1}

得分: 2


  • 你可以使用按示例查询

  • 你可以创建一个Example,从一个已填充了部分条目的实体中创建:

    Person person = new Person();

    Example example = Example.of(person);


public interface QueryByExampleExecutor<T> {

<S extends T> S findOne(Example<S> example);

<S extends T> Iterable<S> findAll(Example<S> example);

// ...省略了更多功能。 }


Person person = new Person();                          

ExampleMatcher matcher = ExampleMatcher.matching()

Example<Person> example = Example.of(person, matcher);

  • 使用JdbcAggregateTemplate


  • 使用JdbcTemplate


  • 你不能注入EntityManager

它是一个JPA组件,与Spring Data JDBC无关。 英文:

You have multiple options:

You can use Query By Example. {#you-can-use-query-by-example1}

You'd create an Example from an entity where some entries are filled:

Person person = new Person();                         

Example&lt;Person&gt; example = Example.of(person);

And then using it with your repository, which would extend QueryByExampleExecutor:

public interface QueryByExampleExecutor&lt;T&gt; {

&lt;S extends T&gt; S findOne(Example&lt;S&gt; example);

&lt;S extends T&gt; Iterable&lt;S&gt; findAll(Example&lt;S&gt; example);

// ... more functionality omitted. }

and you can fine tune how the example is used:

Person person = new Person();                          

ExampleMatcher matcher = ExampleMatcher.matching()

Example&lt;Person&gt; example = Example.of(person, matcher);

Use the JdbcAggregateTemplate {#use-the-jdbcaggregatetemplate}

It has the semi public feature of accepting a Query.
It is not properly documented. Checkout the source code for how to use it.

Use a JdbcTemplate {#use-a-jdbctemplate}

You'll have to construct your SQL manually

You can NOT inject an EntityManger {#you-can-not-inject-an-entitymanger}

It is a JPA artefact and Spring Data JDBC has nothing to do with JPA.

答案2 {#2}

得分: 0





            select p.projectname, p.unit, p.cost_unit as costUnit, p.chapter, u.username, w.firstname, w.lastname, e.comment, e.value, e.entry_date as entry,
            w.active_from as activeFrom, w.active_to as activeTo, w.type, w.hwl, w.further, w.compensation, w.delegation, w.amount
            from projects p
            left join users u on p.users_id = u.id
            left join workers w on w.projects_id = p.id
            left join entries e on e.workers_id = w.id
            where trim(lower(p.projectname)) like concat(&#39;%&#39;, lower(:projectName))
            and trim(lower(concat(w.firstname, w.lastname))) like concat(&#39;%&#39;, lower(:workerName))
            and trim(lower(u.username)) like concat(&#39;%&#39;, lower(:userName))
            and extract(year from e.entry_date) &gt;= :year
            and trim(lower(p.cost_unit)) like concat(&#39;%&#39;, lower(:costUnit), &#39;%&#39;)
            and trim(lower(p.unit)) like concat(&#39;%&#39;, lower(:unit), &#39;%&#39;)&quot;&quot;&quot;)
List&lt;SearchResultDto&gt; search(String projectName, String workerName, String userName, Integer year, String costUnit, String unit);



年份也是同样的原理。如果在用户界面中选择了年份,它将传递给查询。如果没有选择,我会使用0作为年份,以便选择所有年份。 英文:

Jens` answer is absolutely right.

After talks with collegues i ended up with an alternative to his tips.

Since i have 6 search options the query building will be likely a lot of switch blocks.

In short: I did this (not edited or shortened to sketch the complexity of the query):

            select p.projectname, p.unit, p.cost_unit as costUnit, p.chapter, u.username, w.firstname, w.lastname, e.comment, e.value, e.entry_date as entry,
            w.active_from as activeFrom, w.active_to as activeTo, w.type, w.hwl, w.further, w.compensation, w.delegation, w.amount
            from projects p
            left join users u on p.users_id = u.id
            left join workers w on w.projects_id = p.id
            left join entries e on e.workers_id = w.id
            where trim(lower(p.projectname)) like concat(&#39;%&#39;, lower(:projectName))
            and trim(lower(concat(w.firstname, w.lastname))) like concat(&#39;%&#39;, lower(:workerName))
            and trim(lower(u.username)) like concat(&#39;%&#39;, lower(:userName))
            and extract(year from e.entry_date) &gt;= :year
            and trim(lower(p.cost_unit)) like concat(&#39;%&#39;, lower(:costUnit), &#39;%&#39;)
            and trim(lower(p.unit)) like concat(&#39;%&#39;, lower(:unit), &#39;%&#39;)&quot;&quot;&quot;)
List&lt;SearchResultDto&gt; search(String projectName, String workerName, String userName, Integer year, String costUnit, String unit);

The trick is to use the % operator for string queries. When the parameter is null or empty string, i'll pass it on to the query.

So % yields all entries for the given column.
Whereas %projectName yields all entries with projectName in it.

The same works on year. If a year is selected in the UI, it goes to the query, If not, i use 0 as year so all years will be selected.

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